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Here is a collection of media that features our researchers or Principal Investigator.



Impactful Science Posters: Abstracts

How do you make your poster stand out amongst the crowd? A poster is a public testament of your work and could be that ticket to the award, school, or job you desire. Dr. Brent M. Znosko shared his top tips in writing a powerful abstract.


Impactful Scientific Posters:
The Basics

Did you know that over 7000 posters are presented at ACS National Meetings each year? How can you make your poster stand out amongst the crowd? A poster is a public testament of your work and could be that ticket to the award, school, or job you desire. Dr. Brent Znosko, Associate Professor of Chemistry at the Saint Louis University explains the basics of an impactful scientific poster.



CU Denver Chemistry:

Prof. Znosko (Saint Louis University) is interviewed by CU Denver Chemistry students: Cheyenne Phillips and Shawn Schowe, with participation from Peter Le. Edited and recorded by Luis Tinajero-Areola and Marino Resendiz.

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